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The Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases

at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem

The Kuvin Center is located on the Ein Kerem Hadassah campus of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Founded in 1976, the Kuvin Center is recognized globally for leading research on malaria and other infectious diseases. The Kuvin Foundation supports projects at the Kuvin Center. The Kuvin Center’s mission is to study the cause and effect of vector-borne diseases in an attempt to find and implement strategies to reduce or eliminate the impact of these diseases. To achieve these goals, the Kuvin center's researchers effectively combine the disciplines of biochemistry, medical entomology, molecular biology, genetics and immunology, conducting research on the most prevalent tropical and infectious diseases, which have high impact on public health worldwide. This includes malaria, leishmaniasis, helminthic diseases, and bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. Research at the Kuvin Center is at the forefront of the battle against these vector borne diseases. By combining a broad range of approaches, from the practical that can be applied by the community, to advanced laboratory research, The Kuvin Center is making major strides in the alleviation of the suffering and damage caused by these diseases.


Professor Dan Spira, Yigael Yadin and Sanford Kuvin, MD, 1975 at the Kuvin Center

collaborative programs

The Kuvin Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


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